Monday 9 April 2012


Lemon Curd and Buttermilk Panna Cotta Cake

Makes an 8”x2” cake ring (it can be taller too)

Baked Meringue Sticks

100 grams egg whites (3.5 ounces or a little under half a cup)
100 grams sugar (1/2 cup)
100 grams powdered sugar, sifted (1 cup)

Whip the egg whites until a light meringue forms. Slowly add in the sugar while mixing. Continue to mix to stiff peaks.

Fold in the powdered sugar.

Place the meringue in a pastry bag fitted with a number 5 plain tip. Pipe straight lines of meringue on a sheet pan lined with parchment paper.

Bake the meringues in a very low oven, about 200F until crispy, about an hour. Keep them in an airtight container to stop them from becoming soggy.

Lemon and almond sponge cake

100 grams almond paste (a little under 1/2 cup)
Zest of 1 lemon
2 eggs
20 grams flour (heaping tablespoon)
½ tsp baking powder
40 grams butter, melted and cooled (3 tablespoons)

In a bowl of a kitchen mixer, place the almond paste and soften it using the paddle attachment. It might take a couple of minutes to break it down a little bit.

Add the lemon zest.

Add one egg at a time and continue mixing with the paddle attachment until it becomes a smoother paste and there are no large lumps of almond paste.

Switch to a whip attachment and whip until thick and pale in color. It will take about 3-5 minutes.

Add the flour and baking powder and slowly mix. Add the melted butter and mix only until combined.

Place the cake ring on a sheet pan lined with parchment paper. Pour the batter into it and spread it evenly with a small offset spatula.

Bake at 350F for about 8-10 minutes or until top is lightly golden. Let it cool completely and then remove the ring. Set aside.

Buttermilk Panna Cotta

250 ml heavy cream (1 cup)
55 grams sugar (1/4 cup plus one teaspoon)
2 sheets of gelatin
125 ml buttermilk (1/2 cup)

Wash the cake ring and place it on a sheet pan lined with a silicon mat. If your cake ring is not completely level and any liquid might leak out, you might want to wrap the bottom of the ring with plastic film.
In a medium saucepan, heat the heavy cream and the sugar until hot but not boiling. In the meantime, soften the gelatin in ice water for 5 minutes. Squeeze out excess water from the gelatin and add it to the hot cream. Let the cream cool to lukewarm, and then mix in the buttermilk.
Pour the panna cotta into the ring and bring this to the freezer. Freeze until solid, about 2-3 hours. When solid, remove the cake ring and wash it, we will need it to assemble the cake.

Lemon Curd

3 eggs
Zest of 1 lemon
100 grams sugar (1/2 cup)
160 grams lemon juice (2/3 cup)
1 sheet of gelatin
150 grams butter, cut into small cubes (still slightly cold) (10 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons)

Whisk the eggs, lemon zest and sugar together in a large bowl. Whisk in the lemon juice. Place the bowl over a water bath and whisk constantly until it thickens. It will start to make ribbons.

In the meantime, have the gelatin softening in ice water. Squeeze out excess water and when curd has thickened, add the gelatin to the bowl.

Strain this curd through a fine sieve into a clean bowl.

Using a submersion blender, start mixing the curd and adding the small pieces of butter. The curd will start to change in color and become lighter. Add all the butter and continue to mix it while doing it.

Now we are ready to assemble the cake.

Assemble the Cake

Line the inside of the cake circle with acetate or parchment paper. Note: I ended up cutting the cake into squares so I didn’t line the ring with anything., simply used a knife to cut the edges.

Place the cake ring on a sheet pan. Insert the almond and lemon sponge on the bottom of the ring.

Spread about a third of the lemon curd over the sponge and spread it evenly with an offset spatula.

Then place the frozen buttermilk panna cotta circle on top of the lemon curd and press gently. Spread the rest of the lemon curd on top of the panna cotta. Refrigerate or freeze the entire cake until set.

Decorate with baked meringue sticks, candied lemon zest and chopped pistachios.

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